Saturday, January 10, 2009


"Do you perhaps drink new hydrating Volvic Revive? o.O"

Well, I'm done with big bad finals, wOOt! That's always nice, isn't it, my friends? Yes, and I don't think I failed Advanced Comp. That's always a plus. I've learned from that class that I would make a terrible journalist, because I can't get papers handed in on time. Yup. Not the job for me. :(

New topic: NERD GIRLS! I feel like a retard because I fail at interacting with other nerds. Hell, I just fail at interacting with people. Anyway, there's this really cool group of nerd girls in my school. They're nice and funny and pretty and awesome. This morning during chorus they were all like, "FALCON PUNCH!" And then one of the girls was like, "Actually I think he says it more like 'Falcon PAWNCH!'" And of course I just sit there and don't say anything, but inside I want to stand up and yell "FALCOOOOON PUUUUUUNCH!!!"

Yeah, not many people at school know that I'm a nerd, or the vast extent of my nerdiness. Heck, no one really knows anything about me. I hardly say anything ever. It sucks. But I think I'm slowly starting to grow out of my not-talking-ness. I feel a lot happier now that finals are over and I'm almost done with senior year, so maybe I'll be able to losen up. YAY I'M ALMOST OUT OF SILENT HILL!!

Speaking of Silent Hill, I FREAKING LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVELOVELVOELVEOVE LOVE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIITT!!! Those games are just so awesome. Sure, I tend to be really freaked out and have nightmares after playing it at night, but I STILL LOVE IT! There's something about the town of Silent Hill that seems so familiar to me. It's strange, but the decreped buildings remind me of my childhood. I think it's because there are a lot of buildings like that still around. The buildings in Silent Hill seem so 60's-ish to me. Somehow I feel like I grew up in the 60's, partly because there are so many old buildings and remnants of the past still standing. I don't know, but Silent Hill just seems so nostalgic. I can't really explain it. Nostalgic minus the demons and corpses, that is. You know; just the town and how abandoned it is. Maybe I've seen a lot of abandoned buildings in my childhood? O.o Actually, I used to live by an old glove factory. It wasn't abandoned, but it sure looked like it was. They actually still make gloves there.

Also, thanks to Silent Hill 3, I've started to really like the name "Heather." :-P

This was a random blog today! I need to go to beddy-bye naowz. leik, c u l8r!!111!!11111!1

Sunday, January 4, 2009

High School angsty-angst

I just found out splendiferous is actually a word. At least, Microsoft Word says it is. Gosh, I thought it was just a silly made-up word! This calls for investigation. To the dictionarymobile!

splendid; magnificent; fine.

1425–75; late ME < class="ital-inline">splendōrifer brightness-bearing (see splendor, -fer, -ous; loss of -or prob. by shift of stress, syncope, and dissimilation) + -ous

Wow, and it's a friggin' OLD word, too! From the 15th century! :-O
Haha, this is turning into a dictionary blog. Okay, enough dictionary.

In other news: I hate high school! I can't friggin' WAIT to get out of that damn hell. I'm seriously starting to think I would rather be trapped in Silent Hill than have to go to there every weekday! It would at least be more exciting. :-( Bah, that building is so old and dark it practically is like being trapped in Silent Hill. Just empty out the building, turn off the lights, summon some demons, and there you have it: utter terror! :-D
At least I'm a Senior. I couldn't stand another year there, god. I can barely stand finishing this year! :-(

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for my education and all that great crap; I just can't stand most of the kids there, or most of the teachers. I think the whole school system needs an overhaul. I don't know how it should be fixed, but I know it needs fixing. Either way I'll be in college soon, WOOT!! XD

Bah, enough complaining; I have lots of assignments to finish before the end of this week, so I need to get crackin'. I hope you, whoever you may be, are enjoying your life and are not as big of a procrastinator as I am. >.>;

Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR, guys! :-D (It's 2009, in case you're a time-traveler and didn't know.)